Forums - Blanka in SSFT2 Show all 9 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Blanka in SSFT2 ( Posted by Truedragon on 05:27:2001 06:28 PM: Blanka in SSFT2 What are some good blanka strats? I use him as someone would in cvs(basically), I turtle alot, poke with c.hp, use jab and strong rolls to move across the screen, roll(duh), and mash like hell when I get an hp throw That's really it basically(if you like to add strats please do I would really appreciate them, ALOT), what I'm really wondering about are his matchups,combos, and anti-air. For matchups I mean who he has advantages against and disadvantages against. As for anti-air I use a vert roll, but would a work? I try a was pretty good anti-air in past games) and get snuffed alot and I'm wondering if I'm using it wrong(too early too late etc.) Lastly I play Super Street Fighter 2 NOT Turbo(so meaning there are no supers in the game) 1)what is blanka's super and how can I use it? and 2) what's the difference between a SSF2 blanka and SSF2T other than a new super. Thanx in advance. Posted by chankalok on 05:28:2001 01:41 AM: ssf2t blanka had slide,hop back and hop forward....the worst thing of ssf2t blanka is his ball recovery is NOT improved[while his opponent like honda vega,balrog and bison,etc are MUCH better!],so he is no more top tier as he was......:< Posted by Truedragon on 05:28:2001 03:25 AM: Thanks, btw by slide do you mean amazon river run? He go's backside and slides with his heard toward the opponent, that one? And one major thing I forgot who are the characters who can punish blanka after a roll? Thanx for replying. Posted by Truedragon on 05:28:2001 03:43 AM: Oh and what's his super and how useful is it/What are it's uses? Posted by Truedragon on 05:28:2001 02:56 PM: bump Posted by chankalok on 05:29:2001 02:09 AM: well......almost all char can......ryu,fierce fb or sc,chunli's sc,honda headbutt or sc,balrog rushing punch or sc,vega's standing fierce,m.bison's torpedo,cammy's drills,dhamlsim's long fierce....etci think i miss many other char can punish blanka,but,the about is the most importent case.... this is why i repeadly said that blanka suck,he is no more fbllers nightmare:<: